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Displaying records 1 to 20 of 377 records.
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Page Ref Title Author Pub Years Pub Place
96.05 A Gift for All Seasons, Verses in Clunie (Miss)
35.05 Aesop's Fables by Barlow, Verses in Behn (Aphra)
321.13 Am. Evergreen, Verses in Neal (A.B.)
489.22 Annual Monitor, Verses in Wilson (Charlotte)
561.06 Athanosian Creed. Last 3 Leaves in Verse Serres (Olivia) 1814
34.08 Athenian Mercury, Verses in the Behn (Aphra)
114.19 Aunt Jane's Verses 1859 Philadelphia
115.17 Aunt Jane's Verses Crewdson (J)
524.15 Aunt Jane's Verses. 1st Ed Crewdson (Mrs)
115.18 Aunt Jane's Verses. 2d Ed Crewdson (J) 1855
511.17 Aunt June's Verses. 1st Ed Crandson (Mrs.)
14.19 Aunt Mary's Verses 1855 New York
289.13 Aurora Borealis, Verses in Mason (Jane)
477.09 Ayrshire Wreath, Verses in the Warner (Mrs of Ardeen)
173.11 Balmford's Company, Verses in Gentlewoman (A)
472.21 Bengal Annual, Verses in the Walsh (Miss M.R)
317.20 Bengal Annual, Verses in the Mowatt (A.M)
217.07 Bengal Annual, Verses in the Hough (Mrs P)
11.16 Benger's Life, Verses in Anne
43.02 Bible Sketches in Prose and Verse. 1834
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