Tracing Elizabeth Cobbold’s “Ode on the Victory of Waterloo” (1815) across The Stainforth Library

This MLA 2014 exhibit of the Stainforth Library will demonstrate what we can learn from tracing Elizabeth Cobbold’s poem “Ode to the Victory of Waterloo” (1815) across the various facets of the Stainforth Library project as well as the processes of building the Library. Here, you will find brief explanations or illustrations of the following … Continue reading Tracing Elizabeth Cobbold’s “Ode on the Victory of Waterloo” (1815) across The Stainforth Library

MLA 2014 Exhibit

Welcome to the TOC for our MLA 2014 Exhibit, “Learning from The Stainforth Library of Women Writers,” in session #528 “Digital Humanities from the Ground Up,” Jan. 11, 2014. “This is the technical equivalent of quilting–that we’re bringing together our research interests and ultimately pushing undergraduate teaching forward.” -Deborah Hollis, UCB Special Collections Contents 1. Introduction: Learning from … Continue reading MLA 2014 Exhibit