Some Lessons from Counting Names, Person Records, and Short Person Records

In 2019-2020, we completed the project of counting the editions in the library catalog, and we concluded that there are 7,122 editions. This month, after completing a massive multi-year effort to editorially address every name in the catalog listed as an author, our most recent counts tell us that there are: 3320 names listed in … Continue reading Some Lessons from Counting Names, Person Records, and Short Person Records

The Counts Project: Process and Methodology (2019-2020, Completed)

As part of my position as a Research Assistant on The Stainforth Library of Women’s Writing project, I was tasked with updating our understanding of the size of the library by way of counting the number of different editions that are in the Stainforth library catalog, which records the thousands of titles and author names … Continue reading The Counts Project: Process and Methodology (2019-2020, Completed)