[Reader, a warning: this is a draft – it will be refined and updated to be submitted with annual review materials by October 1. It is also a very long document, but it must be long in order to quantify and narrativize the different kinds of digital scholarship added to The Stainforth Library of Women’s Writing this year and … Continue reading The Stainforth Library, Project Development Recap 2018-19
Of Strikethroughs, Double-strikethroughs, and Squiggles: The Editions Count
Our first count of the editions, volumes, and people mentioned in Stainforth’s library catalog yielded 7,726 editions (8,804 volumes) by 3,721 authors/editors/translators/etc, and this count was largely performed by Cayla Eagon, who was a PhD student at CU-Boulder at the time and a stellar editor – we miss having her on the team. Our first … Continue reading Of Strikethroughs, Double-strikethroughs, and Squiggles: The Editions Count