One longstanding set of questions that Stainforth editors have been unable to answer (among many such questions) relates to the origins of Francis Stainforth’s collecting project. When did he begin collecting books, and why? And relatedly, when did he begin cataloging his library in the manuscript catalog that is the fount of what we know … Continue reading Mission Impossible? Dating the Catalog Manuscript, Acquisitions, and the Library Project
The Stainforth Library of Women’s Writing Passed Peer Review by Advanced Research Consortium (ARC)
On October 12, the Stainforth editors learned that we passed peer review by the Advanced Research Consortium (ARC), and we are preparing the Stainforth data and website for ingestion in It was a very big day, and we are super proud. This project began in Special Collections in 2012, at CU-Boulder during my PhD, where I … Continue reading The Stainforth Library of Women’s Writing Passed Peer Review by Advanced Research Consortium (ARC)
Technical Description of The Stainforth Library of Women’s Writing
[Note: This post was originally published on January 18, 2020. It was updated significantly for peer review submission on August 14, 2020.] The Stainforth Library of Women’s Writing project is hosted on the DH server at Santa Clara University and uses PHP for its source code. The project is conceptually divided into two parts: … Continue reading Technical Description of The Stainforth Library of Women’s Writing
The Counts Project: Process and Methodology (2019-2020, Completed)
As part of my position as a Research Assistant on The Stainforth Library of Women’s Writing project, I was tasked with updating our understanding of the size of the library by way of counting the number of different editions that are in the Stainforth library catalog, which records the thousands of titles and author names … Continue reading The Counts Project: Process and Methodology (2019-2020, Completed)

Dynamic Cross Reference Links in Catalog Browsing
On Wednesday February 19, the Stainforth project team added its newest data feature: dynamic cross-reference links in the “browse” view of the library catalog. The editors on this project include Danna D’Esopo, myself, and Chad Marks. There are 677 entries in the catalog that tell a user to go “See” another name or a title … Continue reading Dynamic Cross Reference Links in Catalog Browsing
Welcome To Team Stainforth, Dr. Kate Ozment!
Big news, folks: Team Stainforth is over the moon to welcome Kate Ozment (Cal Poly Pomona) as a new General Editor of The Stainforth Library of Women’s Writing. Kate brings her DH experience co-editing the Women in Book History Bibliography (with Cait Coker) and expertise in Early Modern English literature with emphases on gender studies, … Continue reading Welcome To Team Stainforth, Dr. Kate Ozment!